The Effect of Gender on Spatial Ability and Spatial Reasoning Among Students in Grades 2-8
One fascinating section that I managed to catch was that chinese characters and inherently spatial, and the act of writing them teaches spatial forms:
Differences can also be reflected in regards to cultural-specific influences. An example of this influence is seen in writing Chinese characters which serves as a subtle method of spatial training thereby producing better spatial abilities just by practicing the writing forms (Li, Nuttall, & Zhu, 1999). The student learner must attend to each stroke spatially which may facilitate spatial task performance, encompassing mental imagery, vertical and horizontal spatial coordination, and visual memory (Li & Nuttal, 2001
Kolb (1984), educational theorist and pioneer of the experiential learning theory, proposed that “learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” (p. 38).
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